Monday, February 22, 2010

and the RED RED Robin.....

SPRING hangs in the air like a ghost..Snow is yet on the ground but the scattering of the birds,the chipmunks and the multiplying footprints in the snow each morning leave a tell tale tapestry of the approaching change..welcomed it is..
The robins are puffed up and singing so spring cannot be far behind..
Yesterday I was inspired to change my table to Easter/Spring..
I love dragging out all the little bits and composing a table landscape..This year it ended up rather feminine and soft..other years it has been playful,dramatic or pristine and simple.. we used to compose these as a family but since our grown children are on their own now the job is ours. Its a nice tradition : preparing for the festivities of seasons..

YEARS AGO when our young family lived in the hills outside of Los Angeles...spring brought on a flurry of wildlife..I had planted a small 2 sided patio garden from barren soil..It was a small garden masterpiece..One day I realized I would like to have it documented so I called up a friend who photographed for the LA Times in the garden section..We were all ready for the shoot..The morning of the appointment I awoke early and looked out the window to an animated scene of watching my garden disappearing into the my horror a groundhog had discovered restaurant central and was hoovering through my garden with such speed I was reeling........Plink..gone some Disney cartoon...

SHIT.... I had to call the entire shoot off..The left side of the garden looked like a grazed mini plot...It became a funny story as time passed...can't blame the critters.. they need food....Now when I plant things I keep barriers in mind. In my garden in France I have many items planted in recycled bathtubs..they make great containers as the iron is good for the soil ,they have predrilled draining,they keep the soil temperate and all the growth is kept well above ground to ward off night eaters ..they also provide a sense of scale..height in the potagerie...I can rotate the small crops more easily...I am thinking seeds..little shoots and reawakening.. can't wait to get my hands dirty...and feel the warmth come through the soil as the days get longer,warmer and sunnier.....ahhhhhhh spring...

you will need: 4 large flour tortillas
3 different cheses
one red,orange and green pepper
1 white onion
Fresh basil leaves
1 small eggplant

grate 3 different cheeses of your choice.... manchego,spicy montery jack, smoky gouda as a suggestion

finely slice red,green,and yellow peppers
finely slice some white onion
saute these until soft in a fry pan
set aside

slice very thin a small eggplant lengthwise
saute the slices browning a bit on each side in a little olive oil
set aside

Assemble the tortilla crepe using 3 a generous amount of the cheese and pepper mixture on the first tortilla
press the second tortilla on top of this
place cheese and a couple of the eggplant pieces on the second tortilla and cover with fresh basil leaves
Repeat the third tortilla as the first with the peppers and cheeses
Add a 4th tortilla to complete the crepe

Heat some oil in a pan larger than the tortillas...keep the pan hot but not smoking..the heat should be consistant and moderate..
Gently "fry" the tortilla crepe until browned on one side..... turn the crepe and brown on tthe other the crepe down a bit with a plate to ensure the cheses melt into the layers...
Remove from the pan
serve immediately with your favorite salsa...

Albondagas Soup is good with this......another posting

Thursday, February 18, 2010


There is nothing like the calm and discovery of the details in a garden and I am certain this little chirp here has had its tour of many a verdant paradise..Would love to be able to fly..
Bird's eye view: and what a vantage point...The trumpet flower here is called Bella Dona .In the medieval times the flowers were ground up and fed to people's small doses it can be used as medicine but in general it is not a recommended food source for either us or our feathered friend here. I planted this in the summer of l986. My gardener at the time was a mature man and very wise.We grafted 4 different colors together on the same mother trunk. The results some 22+ years later is magnificent..The Bella Dona gives off a heady perfume at night and helps to ward off mosquitoes. It must be trimmed back with abandon in the spring and fed.It also prospers from mid- summer pruning. ...which encourages thicker foliage and more blooms.

This past summer we had a renewal of bees in the area..I counted at one point 8 different varieties..from large black and yellow bumblebees to hornets,and several honey bees.This I was grateful for as there has been much talk around the world on the diminishing populous of the honey bees. I spent a good part of last winter studying the art of bee keeping thinking that if I installed a hive near my garden all would be well..Mother Nature provded another solution..I also do not spray my garden and try to use natural augmentation such as coffee gounds...whrred up culinary remnants in the blender...(bananas are a bonus for roses)... and tilling in any compost I can create..I could be GREENER and I am working on that..
Its Bean Weather and time for some good Italian Beans...
Soak an 8oz package of navy beans in cold water for 4-5 hours
Drain and rinse several times
Cover the beans in 3qt saucepan with water well over the bean line..add water as they cook
Simmer the beans for at least 1 hour..test with a small knife...some people like firm beans (me) and others prefer soft beans...
While the beans are cooking add a couple of broken bay not add salt
Drain the beans and divide into 2 containers...One group you can use to make soup ..the other can be a meal..
I like to make up a simple tomato sauce with fennel seeds, chopped basil and some finely chopped onion..This I incorporate into the beans, adding salt, pepper and 2-3T butter. Do not over sauce the beans ..the sauce is for flavor not a bath..
These can be served as a meal with pecarino reggiano cheese and some steamed greens..
Add a glass of crisp cold white wine.....and you are flying.....

Monday, February 15, 2010


Valentine's day was a fun evening...starting with the beet and tomato salad pictured here..I love the selection of beets one can purchase now in the markets. This salad was comprised of yellow,orange and red beets..but after they sat together in their juices they all appeared red.
I sprinkled a little apple vinegar on them with a generous pinch of sea salt. sliced a white onion paper thin and let the salad cool to room temperature. When I plated the salad I added halfed
baby tomatoes and scissor cut fresh basil strips onto the whole thing...then fresh ground pepper..A great start..

I have to admit to a collectors mania..PLATES are my jewelry or closet.. I rarely spend money or time on clothing even though I love textiles and was/am a textile designer for decades..It is the plate that lures me..I have found rare plates at junk stores,purchased pottery from potters..salvaged from the Goodwill..haunted tag and garage sales ,and greatly hinted for any occasion: a well halved gift would be plates..I guess they are my canvas..I have often thought about my infatuation with food and food prep and I think it is my emotional glue.. The immediate appreciation of the effort is rewarding but the chance to attack another empty canvas is probably more the accurate impetus..
Another TOMATO offering:
This dish was concocted several years ago when I discovered an entire box of cherry tomatoes I had forgotten about in the back of the fridge..(many a great meal is a result of such treasure hunts)
Pour a generous amount of olive oil into a flat casserole (about 1/8 cup) the tomatoes
singularly close to each other in one layer..Sprinkle herbs de Provence over the entire lot..salt and pepper... pierce each tomato with a pin to avoid popping....NOW BAKE in a moderate oven (325) for 2-3 hours until the tomatoes confit..Cool and use as a side relish for meats, eggs, or can alter the seasonings with fennel,curry..etc....

Saturday, February 13, 2010


I saw a post on AOL of a couple who have been married for some 80+ years siting on their porch all dressed up..They look ageless...their daughter has posted a twitter competition for the best 14 questions from the public. What is the secret to their love's longevity?.. It made me look at my own marriage, how Jerry and I met and what were the elements of our 37 year liaison and marriage
These are the most important factors I came up with:
1.try never to go to sleep angry

2.Resolve every problem with a plan can be replaced ...honor takes time

4.children know when you are not in it is wise to try and remain on the same page
with discipline and life lessons

5.Love may not always be on the same throttle from day to day..but respect can be kept in gear

6.Keep a sense of will get you through so many hiccups

7.Loss is the hardest thing to accept in life but having a partner who does not qualify that loss
is paramount

8. Have goals..share talk... communication is key

9.Take time off from your recognizable in another culture is you can even if
it is for a vacation..immerse yourself in something different

10. Embrace a passion for something on it..share it with others

11. Value your family and friends and give them the time they deserve

12..Cook..sit down and have family meals or have designated days of festivities .Celebration
enriches your life

13.Read.... read books..newspapers..articles..blogs...childrens papers..random keeps
one open to change and change is always constant.

14.try and find joy in the mundane tasks..avoid amassing clutter..define your personal
sense of order and pride of ownership

15. Embrace the idea that everything/one deserves love and act of random
kindness a day will keep you keen

16.Beautiful people see beautiful things in life..they wear this peace.. the real RTWear

17. When a baby smiles at you or a dog jumps up and kisses you: know you are on the correct

18. Mentally list your blesssings once a week

19.Tell your family you love them....often..daily

20.Respect, talk and aid elderly is inevitable you too will be old one day.and the
smallest gesture can make a difference to both you and the sends a glow through
your own long term marriage

21.Own a pet.. tend a garden or a plant...or an herb garden these will teach you another kind of
love and loving

22. Wake up, greet the day and KNOW this day is going to be a diminishes any
unforseen hurdles

Jerry and I "met" when I saw him across an intersection in an open field preparing for a festival .He did not see me but I never forgot his presence..Several years later I delivered some
dresses to his business The Moveable Feast for some of his sandwich girls..He came out of his office and I recognized him instantly..His story.. is that he saw me and fell in love at first sight.
It took a couple of years before we dated,..meanwhile he would hire me for projects for his catering business so we got to know each other slowly..When we finally dated, which consisted of one with each other and marrying shortly thereafter, friends would ask me how could I marry this guy so quickly...My response was: he was always fair in business, never questioned me about a fee and always paid me when I presented an invoice..If a man is that fair in business I had total confidence he would be fair in marriage: that was the tobaggan I was looking
for....Life and love should bee a wonderful unpredictable ride..
Happy Valentine's Day to all you lovers

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Magic of Silence and SNOW

There is high contrast between the outside landscape now and the warmth of a fireplace burning..the soft inviting colours of an interior, and the safety of that crackle...
Cabin fever is lurking so it is out into the snow I go today..There are soft footprints of the little rascals from the forest all over our terrace.. my favorite being the tiny triple v's of some birds that have had quite long distance hopping event..
It is soup weather and I am in need of it will be Butternut squash,cauliflower Soup

Butternut,Cauliflower Soup
Steam seperately cut up pieces of squash and cauliflower until fork soft...let cool a bit
puree this in a cuisineart
Place the puree back into a large 2 quart sauce pan
NOW add
1 container of chicken broth
salt and pepper
1 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
1/2 stick of butter
1 teaspoon of ground cumin
1 teaspoon of fresh grated ginger
Bring this all to a simmer
Serve this with a curry cream
Curry Cream spoon out 3 T of creme fraiche or sour cream into a bowl
add 1 Tablespoon of lime pickle with juices (purchase from an East Indian

THIS WILL AWAKEN THE SENSES......... and warm your tummy.........breathe in....

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Cupid's Suspense

Valentine's to treasure the loves of our lives..I like to make red food on Valentines Day to jump start the heart pounding..The chandelier here is one I inherited from my mother in law which I squished tissue paper flowers around the candles..( I don't ever light the real candles) the lights are on a dimmer creating a delicate glow at night.. The other photos are details of the table with handmade valentines of different papers..I sent out all my cards yesterday before the big storm here in the east coast...Like the snowflakes each one is a little different: just as each liaison is valued for its differences and the gifts each friend has donated to my life.
Flames might light the fire but it is the embers that have lit my heart.
Smokey Paprika Tomato Soup keep things simple..

Open one box of PACIFIC organic Roasted Red Pepper and Tomato Soup
(available at Whole Foods, Trader Joes or at some Super Markets)
add 2 cups of water
dice and add 2 cut up tomatoes
Whrr in a blender or bullet 1/2 white onion add this to the soup
a little cracked pepper
1/2 cup of gin ( this gives the soup a juniper edge) optional
1 generous teaspoon of Smoked Spanish Paprika
1/4 cup of milk
Heat until bubbling: serve

This same soup can be made without the smokey paprika
substitute 2 T. crushed dried tarragon, a pinch of sugar, and 1/4 cup of creaam or milk

Start Red and end up onto the card game..??? strip poker anyone??
Live, love, and laugh

Sunday, February 7, 2010


In this challenged world we all need to address civility.. be it environmental issues, personal relationships, or the messages and examples we set for others and our children. I recently was thinking about how easily things unravel if we are not mindful.Someone chided me recently for not taking a plastic bag from a store when the items I purchased could clearly be transported with out the bag. The response was "what was it with my green thing??? one bag was not going to make a difference..and yet if one person every hour of the day made the same decision all over the world ...can you imagine how many bags that would be??? and YES one bag does make a difference. so does one gesture of deep breath and a loving explanation or lesson taught.... lesson learned......
I was in a restaurant last night using the ladies room and someone kept jarring at the door and knocking.I kept saying "sotto voce" that the facility was occupied ..When I eventually opened the door ( mind you I am a person in the loo lines dream..rapid and no frills) there stood 2 girls (sisters?) 12 and maybe 17 years of age..they pushed past me w/o a polite acknowledgement and closed the door.. This kind of behavior is taught and not curbed..
but as I have always believed when a shadow is near a ray of light is not far behind..
Several minutes later the hostess sat a young mother with 2 little girls next to us..They were very hungry ,inquisitive about the menu and sat down ceremoniously. The mother asked them questions about what they would like to eat lacing the choices with an explanation of why their father was not joining them.It is Super Bowl weekend and Daddy is with his college friends..What is Superbowl?? who are you rooting for? what fun dialogue to be privy to..The mother explained when she was younger she didn't care for sports much... but that was because she didn't understand them.. her husband had introduced her to his love of sports.....when you love someone,sharing the things they like brings you closer together..She went on to explain when she was dating,,(and I dated a lot of men) she wanted to be with someone that would make a nice father.. ..when she met their father she knew instantly that he was the one.. he liked doing new things and was flexible..also it didn't hurt he was very cute and funny...chosing someone you can be friends with is very important... she continued.. gnawing on a Chinese spareib with gusto...
Over at the next table I couldn't help but feel warmed by this generosity..Given the array of media that gender bashes..divides and chides.. this woman's account to her young daughters (who were maybe 3 and 6).. was weaving a soft world of tolerance using the meal and the Super Bowl as her vehicle..How different the lesson would have been if she had chosen another familiar path of anger..diminishing their father for being with his friends ect..An emotional torch of security was being passed forward silently as they ate their meal..The 3 year old spent her meal time career gently slurping through a bowl of miso soup...lost in her own world of steamy bliss.....
I have to laugh because I know if my own daughter was with us ...she could have predicted my contact..As we left the restaurant I spoke to the mother and told her how refreshing it was to witness such a loving mother and made a joke about her daughter's love for Miso.......( its the earthy salt.. ohhhhhh yum)
It wouldn't be difficult to recreate the first scenario with HER girls outside the bathroom door.
So many of the ills in society are taught not instinctual..the excepti0n perhaps the survival of the fittest.... which is where civility is work to be tolerant...requiring patience and sifting..however what a beautiful starting point for many a change in the gesture at a less plastic bag..
The photos below are green points in my garden..Vervaine ( lemon verbena) is the herb... in the pot is a small chartreuse shrub.... I love planting items in pots of different heights to add volume to the garden..
Purchase 6 chicken thighs and 8 legs
place these in a bowl and micro wave for 4 minutes

Mix up 4 cloves of crushed garlic, lemon juice, 1/4 cup of olive oil,, several pinches each of oregano,cumin,and rosemary..season with salt and pepper
add 2 cups of red salsa ....adjust heat with chili sauce

Pull the skin gently away from the thigh or leg and gently stuff the salsa mix between the meat and the skin (like a little pocket)

Place the stuffed pieces .. stuffed side a shallow baking dish close together..drizzle with any remaining sauce.
Bake in a 450 degree oven and monitor the meat to make sure it does not burn..once one side is well crisped..turn each leg and thigh..and continue cooking.
Serve with rice and salad ...these are even better 2 days later...