Saturday, February 13, 2010


I saw a post on AOL of a couple who have been married for some 80+ years siting on their porch all dressed up..They look ageless...their daughter has posted a twitter competition for the best 14 questions from the public. What is the secret to their love's longevity?.. It made me look at my own marriage, how Jerry and I met and what were the elements of our 37 year liaison and marriage
These are the most important factors I came up with:
1.try never to go to sleep angry

2.Resolve every problem with a plan can be replaced ...honor takes time

4.children know when you are not in it is wise to try and remain on the same page
with discipline and life lessons

5.Love may not always be on the same throttle from day to day..but respect can be kept in gear

6.Keep a sense of will get you through so many hiccups

7.Loss is the hardest thing to accept in life but having a partner who does not qualify that loss
is paramount

8. Have goals..share talk... communication is key

9.Take time off from your recognizable in another culture is you can even if
it is for a vacation..immerse yourself in something different

10. Embrace a passion for something on it..share it with others

11. Value your family and friends and give them the time they deserve

12..Cook..sit down and have family meals or have designated days of festivities .Celebration
enriches your life

13.Read.... read books..newspapers..articles..blogs...childrens papers..random keeps
one open to change and change is always constant.

14.try and find joy in the mundane tasks..avoid amassing clutter..define your personal
sense of order and pride of ownership

15. Embrace the idea that everything/one deserves love and act of random
kindness a day will keep you keen

16.Beautiful people see beautiful things in life..they wear this peace.. the real RTWear

17. When a baby smiles at you or a dog jumps up and kisses you: know you are on the correct

18. Mentally list your blesssings once a week

19.Tell your family you love them....often..daily

20.Respect, talk and aid elderly is inevitable you too will be old one day.and the
smallest gesture can make a difference to both you and the sends a glow through
your own long term marriage

21.Own a pet.. tend a garden or a plant...or an herb garden these will teach you another kind of
love and loving

22. Wake up, greet the day and KNOW this day is going to be a diminishes any
unforseen hurdles

Jerry and I "met" when I saw him across an intersection in an open field preparing for a festival .He did not see me but I never forgot his presence..Several years later I delivered some
dresses to his business The Moveable Feast for some of his sandwich girls..He came out of his office and I recognized him instantly..His story.. is that he saw me and fell in love at first sight.
It took a couple of years before we dated,..meanwhile he would hire me for projects for his catering business so we got to know each other slowly..When we finally dated, which consisted of one with each other and marrying shortly thereafter, friends would ask me how could I marry this guy so quickly...My response was: he was always fair in business, never questioned me about a fee and always paid me when I presented an invoice..If a man is that fair in business I had total confidence he would be fair in marriage: that was the tobaggan I was looking
for....Life and love should bee a wonderful unpredictable ride..
Happy Valentine's Day to all you lovers

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