Thursday, January 28, 2010


WHEN the Christos decided to install THE GATES after the 911 tragedy I went to go walk thru them on 3 different days: one day it was snowing lightly, another day the sun was out all day and the third day it was cold and the light quite compromised..Each event (and I lightly call it that because they all were), was life changing.
The color of Tibetan orange they chose was the visual thread..The gates could be seen from a great distance .Their silent companionship worked like a flood of emotions..the most potent being a sense of repair..Children and adults alike seemed to abandon their inhibitions and find a common link in the stroll or in some cases wildfire romp..thru the crushing leaves and the blaze of the never ending flame..
I ran into Anne Bancroft the second time I went just a week before she left us..I was always so grateful for this meeting as I had always admired her.. She was also a customer of my clothing line..She had been the vessel for so many wonderful women in her lifetime and her humor was impeccable.
In the early 70's I walked The FENCES in California.. google ..CHRISTO and JEANNE-CLAUDE.. wonderful visuals.
This dill sauce is the base for several dishes I make in the summer but I keep it around all the time as it makes a delicious
sandwich spread ..It also transcends frozen peas , makes a dip for vegetables and a side sauce for seafood..

Mix 1 small 8oz jar of high end mayonaise
6-8 Tablespoons of Yellow mustard (French's or the like) you want a tumeric undernote
1 cup of chopped fresh dill .. I often use ALOT more
1/4 white onion chopped very fine
1/4 t. tabasco sauce
2T fresh lemon juice.. add more if you like a higher acid flavor
Blend all of this together and recant into jars
Keep refrigerated ....will last for weeks

Try dipping asparagus into this............. mmmmmmm.

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