Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Table Tableau

Setting the table..Table landscaping..Homeplates
I read an article the other day on the differences between different cultures around the world: diet and exercise versus customs.. The US as a whole eats too many meals on the go.When we first moved back here form France it surprised us how quickly the kids that visited wolfed down their meal.One evening Hart suggested to his friend
"hey man you have to slow down when you eat" his friend answered "why?" Hart quipped "so you have an idea of what you just ate"..more importantly slowing down opens up the conversation..the dinner table should be the replacement for the tribal bonfire.When we sit down and share a meal with others or even between 2.....a certain intimacy is invited in. ( If you are by yourself, light a candle ,put on your favorite music,..give yourself a beautiful view...review your day and plan your next.). Turn off the TV..have your meal in small courses..discuss the day..When we first moved to France in the 90's it was such a huge adjustment..The kids would go off to school (the battlefield) and we were left gravitating daily life and business long distance..We used to think we were either inspired or the most ridiculous people on the planet. One day we invented a conversation game.. Minor Mistakes/Major Accomplishments . At the dinner table we would all report our day..laughing at our follies and putting perspective on the journey we were taking..eventually there was not as much to report as we acclimated to our new zone..so another game slipped in..stories of invention..
The Photo here is a montage of 2 placemats..When the children were quite small I had them start setting the table ..We have rarely ever returned the plates and silver to the cupboards but rather reset the tables right from the dishwasher..It struck me one day what a waste of energy that was and it also created a "last minute chore" just before dinner when everyone was spent...This way with a pre-set table everyone just sat down to that meal's tableau...an inventive maybe whimsical confection from a group effort..Sometimes the tables are theme oriented..I am currently working on the Valentine's Day table..sometimes they have been just rudimentary..but sitting down to a well set table..taking our time and reviewing our day has become part of how we eat..Nourishment from all aspects..
Something to check out...when Porter was attending Brown ..she introduced me to a City Event caalled WaterFire....,google it... see if you can attend one..its free.. its an outdoor tribal picnic..SO FUN
Cut up your desired fruits..apples,pineapple,melons.oranges,apricots,peaches..ect...add I/2 the quantity of sugar..For example if you have 4 cups of fruit add 2 cups of sugar...Microwave this for 4 minutes...Allow to cool a bit and taste if it needs more sugar... add to taste..
At this point I start adding either almond oil, vanilla ,rose water, orange water, cardamon, cinnamon...so many flavors to add become an early morning alchemist....
jasmine..what ever flavor you want the confection to take on...Microwave the mix again for 4 more minutes..if it is not set..the consistency should be a little runny...microwave again for 2 minutes..While the mixture is still very bot...pour into pre-sterilized jars and cap tightly...
This is so easy and delicious..Sometimes I add rum,cognac or nuts..just play around..
One spoon,one fork,one knife and a well set table.......

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